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Response Codes

Ideamart provides comprehensive responses in cases of not being able to complete the requests successfully.

Below is the complete list of error and response codes which will be responded by Ideamart platform.

Complete Error Codes list

E1301.description = Requested ApplicationID is not allowed within the System

E1302.description = Requested SP is not allowed within the System

E1303.description = IP address, which the request originates from, is not listed within the allowed-host-address list

E1304.description = Requested Application is not found within the System

E1305.description = Requested ApplicationID is invalid

E1306.description = Routing Key (shortcode/ keyword) for the NCS service is invalid

E1307.description = Requested SP is not found within the System

E1308.description = Error during the charging operation

E1309.description = Requested service is not allowed for this Application

E1310.description = MO flow is not allowed for this Application

E1311.description = MT flow is not allowed for this Application

E1312.description = Invalid request

E1344.description = Sorry, your SMS  sent to {0} application could not be processed. Please check if you have sufficient balance and try again.

E1313.description = Authentication failure. There is no active application, or no active service provider or given password in the request is invalid.

E1315.description = Requested NCS service is not available

E1316.description =  Sorry, the {0} application is temporarily  unavailable. Please try again later.

E1317.description = MSISDN which is in the request is in invalid state.(MSISDN may be in a Blocked State, MSISDN may have invalid length of digit

E1342.description = Sorry, Your phone number is blacklisted to use this application {0}

E1343.description =Non white listed mobile number accessing services of application {0}

E1318.description = Sorry, the {0} application is temporarily  unavailable. Please try again later. 

E1319.description = Sorry, the {0} application is temporarily  unavailable. Please try again later.

E1340.description = Invalid request - {0}

E1322.description = Requested sender is not allowed

E1323.description = Requested recipients not allowed

E1324.description = Subscription via HTTP is not allowed

E1325.description = Format of the address is invalid

E1326.description = Sorry, your SMS  sent to {0} application could not be processed. Please check if you have sufficient balance and try again.

E1327.description = App id not allowed in pgw

E1328.description = Charging operation not allowed. Please check the NCS configuration.

E1329.description = Charging amount too high. Please check the NCS configuration.

E1330.description = Charging amount too low. Please check the NCS configuration.

E1331.description = Sorry, invalid/unauthorized source address. Please check the availability of default sender address or aliases for SMS-MT in {0} application.

E1332.description = Delivery failed

E1341.description = Delivery failed. Errors occurred while sending the request for the intended destinations

E1333.description = Message contain suspective abusive content or subscriber base is larger than limit, will be stored for admin approval

E1334.0 = request.max-message-length

E1334.description = Message length is too long. Maximum message length is {0}

E1335.0 = request.max-message-length

E1335.description = Message length is too long. Maximum message length for advertisement messages is {0}.

E1336.description = No matching service code found for the charging amount

E1337.description = Subscriber authentication by charging gateway failed.

E1351.description = User already registered

E1356.description = User not registered

E1357.description = Sorry, you are unauthorised to use the {0} application.

E1360.description = Error response from SDP-SBL

E1361.description = Message rejected by SDP-SBL

E1362.description = Invalid request

E1363.description = No response/response delayed from SDP-SBL

E1364.description = Could not send the message to SDP-SBL

E1365.description = Subscriber is not registered to use this application

E1366.description = Mt Delivery failed

E1367.description = Request QOS not supported

E1368.description = Requested ServiceType not supported

E1370.description = Invalid reservation Id.

E1371.description = App do not accept payments from given Payment Instrument

E1372.description = Default payment instrument for the user not found.

E1373.description = Invalid payer account.

E1374.description = Invalid payee account.

E1375.description = Transfer between two different payment instruments is not allowed.

E1376.description = Unknown charging error.

E1377.description = Invalid payment instrument name.

E1378.description = Insufficient balance.

E1379.description = Transaction has already completed.

E1380.description = Transaction currency not supported.

E1381.description = IP address, which the request originates from is not allowed access this service.

E1382.description = Payment Instrument is not allowed perform transactions.

E1383.description = USSD network initiated flow not allowed.

E1384.description = International SMS sending is disabled.

E1387.description = NCS SLA configured Merchant ID not found in DB.

E1400.description = Card Management Module Unavailable

E1401.description = Invalid NFC Token

E1402.description = NFC Token do not match with request

E1404.description = Charging Failed.

E1405.description = Charging Authorization Timeouted.

E1406.description = Charging Authorization Rejected.

E1603.description = Temporary System Error occurred while delivering your request.

E1600.description = Sorry, the {0} application is temporarily  unavailable. Please try again later.

E1601.description = An unexpected error has occurred

E1605.description = Invalid charging request

E1606.description = Invalid charging amount

E1602.description = Message delivery failed

E1825.description = Unsupported operation

E1337.description = Subscriber authentication by charging gateway failed.

E1830.description = This service is not available for {0} users.